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Writer's pictureSuhana Shriyan

Quenching Thirst Woes: 5 Water Intake Strategies for Your Little One

Updated: Feb 20

Hey Concerned Moms, thriving in the realm of parenting! Today, I want to dive into a topic that often leaves parents puzzled: getting your child to drink enough water.

If you're dealing with a little one who seems to forget the importance of hydration and brushes off those thirst cues, worry not.

Children laying on their stomachs on grass drinking water together.
Sip, Smile, Repeat: Friends and Parents Making Hydration Fun!

We've got some game-changing Water Intake Strategies for Your Little One that will make water intake a breeze for both you and your child.

  1. Establish a Water Break Schedule: Let's kick things off with some structure. Kids love routines, and incorporating a specific water break schedule into their day can work wonders. Whether sipping water during meals or between playtime activities, having designated slots for hydration will instil a healthy habit without feeling like a chore.

  2. Fun Water Bottles to the Rescue: Kids are drawn to all things fun and colourful. Invest in a water bottle that sparks joy – one with their favourite characters or vibrant colours. Having this visually appealing bottle within their reach becomes a constant reminder to take sips throughout the day. It's a win-win: hydration and a cute accessory!

  3. Hydration Chart Adventures: Let's turn tracking water intake into a playful activity. Create a hydration chart that your child can personalize with stickers or marks for every glass or bottle conquered. Not only does this gamify the process, but it also provides a tangible way for both of you to celebrate the achievement of hitting those daily water goals.

  4. Flavorful Hydration with a Twist: Water doesn't have to be boring! Introduce the concept of flavoured water using natural ingredients like fruity slices or a hint of herbs. An important tip never choose sugar or any other sweetener to flavour. Condiments like fennel seeds and Ajwain water can be used as a tea during pretend play. Experiment with different combinations until you find flavours that make your child excited about drinking water. Hydration can be delicious and enjoyable!

  5. Alarms as Friendly Reminders: In this tech-savvy age, let's leverage those devices for a good cause. Set alarms or reminders on your child's gadgets or your own. These gentle prompts will nudge them to take a moment for a refreshing drink. With time, these reminders become part of a routine, reinforcing the habit of staying hydrated.

Remember, the key is to make the journey to hydration an enjoyable one. Experiment with these strategies, listen to your child's preferences and make it a collaborative effort. Before you know it, staying hydrated will become second nature for your little one.

Cheers to happy and hydrated parenting!

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Warm regards,

Suhana Shriyan, MSc, RD

Pediatric Nutrition Enthusiast.


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