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Writer's pictureSuhana Shriyan

🤮 🤔 I’m pregnant!! Morning sickness the first sign.

Morning sickness

Are you struggling to get out of bed to start your day fresh?


Have you lost a lot of weight?

Hey there, Mom-to-Be!

So, morning sickness, huh? It's like waking up to a rollercoaster ride every day, except this ride doesn't have an "off" button. From the moment your eyes flutter open to when you tuck yourself back into bed, it's a constant battle against nausea and those unexpected urges to redecorate your bathroom. Trust me, I've been there, and I know it's not a picnic in the park.

Let's talk about those moments when even the mere thought of food makes you want to do a quick 180 and run for the hills. Your stomach feels like it's doing somersaults, and every smell, whether it's the scent of your morning coffee or your neighbour's exotic curry, sends you spiralling into the depths of sickness. And let's not forget the struggle of keeping this under wraps at work – sneaking off to the restroom every hour, praying no one suspects some mysterious illness has taken you over.

But fear not, dear mom-to-be, there is light at the end of this nausea-filled tunnel. Here are some tips and tricks to help you reclaim your mornings (and the rest of your day too!):

  1. Embrace Small, Frequent Meals: I know, the thought of eating might seem like the last thing you want to do, but trust me, it helps. Instead of three big meals, opt for smaller, more frequent ones. Keep some crackers or dry cereal by your bedside to nibble on before you even think about getting out of bed.

  2. Banish Offensive Smells: Your nose becomes a superhero during pregnancy, detecting even the faintest whiff of anything remotely unpleasant. So, it's time to channel your inner ninja and avoid those scent triggers. Open a window, turn on a fan, or carry a small bottle of essential oil that calms your senses.

  3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Dehydration can worsen nausea, so make sure you're sipping water throughout the day. If plain water doesn't sit well with you, try infusing it with some lemon or ginger for a refreshing twist.

  4. Lean on Your Support System: Don't be afraid to ask for help. Whether it is getting your partner to whip up breakfast or enlisting a friend to help with meal prep, having someone there to lend a hand can make a lot of difference.

  5. Experiment with Ginger and Peppermint: These natural remedies have been known to alleviate nausea for centuries. Whether it's sipping on ginger tea or sucking on a peppermint candy, find what works best for you.

  6. Consider Prenatal Vitamins: While they may contribute to the sickness, they're essential for you and your baby's health. If swallowing a pill makes you gag, try taking them at night or opting for gummy vitamins instead.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. Don't be afraid to experiment and find what brings you relief. And most importantly, be kind to yourself. Growing a tiny human is no easy feat, so cut yourself some slack and take each day as it comes.

Oh, and before I forget, if you've discovered any triggers or remedies that have worked wonders for you, drop them in the comments below. Let's share the love and help our fellow moms-to-be navigate this wild ride called pregnancy together!


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