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Writer's pictureSuhana Shriyan

Making Mealtime Fun: How to Keep Kids Excited About Food

Updated: Feb 20

Mealtime with kids can be a bit of an adventure.

One day, they love a certain food, and the next, they're bored with it.

As parents, navigating through these ever-changing taste adventures can be challenging, but fear not! In this blog, we'll explore some creative and fun strategies on "How to Keep Kids Excited About Food" when your child goes from disliking a new food to getting bored with their once-favourite dish.

How to make mealtime fun

Strategies to make mealtime interesting:

  • Variety in Preparation: Imagine your child's taste buds as little detectives always seeking new clues. If they loved steamed broccoli but are getting a bit tired of it, switch things up! Try roasting or sautéing the broccoli for a change in texture and flavour. It's like giving their taste buds a whole new mystery to solve.

  • Mix and Match: Sometimes, the magic happens when you bring together old friends and new buddies. Combine the new food with familiar favourites. If they adore pasta, introduce a new vegetable or protein to the pasta dish. It's like hosting a taste bud party with all their favourite characters!

  • Flavorful Additions: Spice things up! Enhance the taste of the food by adding seasonings or sauces that your child enjoys. It's like giving their taste buds a passport to explore different flavour countries. Suddenly, the once-boring dish becomes an exciting international journey!

  • Create Food Combinations: What if we turned mealtime into a tasty collaboration? Introduce the new food in combination with others they already love. It's like creating a food masterpiece where each ingredient plays a special role. For example, make a superhero team of vegetables to join forces with their favourite pasta.

  • Food Pairing: Every superhero needs a sidekick, right? Pair the new food with a dipping sauce or a side dish they enjoy. It's like having a trusty companion to accompany them on their taste adventure. Suddenly, trying new foods becomes a flavorful team effort!

  • Educational Approach: Sometimes, knowledge is power! Teach your child about the nutritional benefits of the food. It's like giving them the secret weapon to understand why this food is so amazing. Knowing the positive aspects can increase their interest and turn them into nutrition detectives!

  • Rotate Options: Let's keep the excitement alive by rotating options. Instead of offering the same new food continuously, introduce a variety to keep things fresh. It's like having a rotating menu in a fancy restaurant where every day is a surprise.

  • Cook Together: Turn your kitchen into a culinary playground! Involve your child in the cooking process. When they contribute to making a dish, they might be more willing to try it. It's like turning them into mini-chefs, and who can resist trying a dish they helped create?

  • Theme Nights: Make mealtime an event! Create themed meals or nights where the family tries new foods together. It's like turning dinner into a fun celebration instead of a serious tasting session. The focus shifts from the individual item to the overall experience.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate the victories, big or small! Praise and positively reinforce your child when they try a new food, even if they don't immediately love it. Encouragement can build confidence and openness to try more foods. It's like giving them a medal for their bravery in the taste adventure!


Mealtime doesn't have to be a battleground of changing preferences. By embracing variety, creativity, and a positive atmosphere, you can turn each meal into a delightful experience for both you and your child.

Make sure that patience is the secret ingredient, and celebrating small victories can pave the way for a lifetime of adventurous eating.

Cheers to making mealtime a fun and tasty journey!

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