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Writer's pictureSuhana Shriyan

Finding Inner Peace with Kids: Nurturing Their Yoga Journey

It's a warm, sunny Saturday morning, and you're excited about introducing your child to the world of yoga. However, within minutes, they are fidgeting, giggling, and uninterested. We've all been there, and it's like trying to make a busy bee sit still for a moment.

A girl meditating in sitted yoga position

Yoga, the Ancient Art of Mindful Play Imagine your child as a curious squirrel, and yoga as a basket of colourful, enticing acorns. Just as the squirrel is initially intrigued, kids can be drawn to yoga with a little patience and creativity. Yoga isn't just about flexibility or balance; it's a magical world of mindful play, providing physical and mental benefits while fostering a deep connection with oneself. Strategy 1: The Treasure Hunt Children love treasure hunts, and yoga can be an adventure of hidden gems. Begin by sharing stories of yoga's ancient origins, where poses and breathing exercises were the keys to unlocking the treasure of strength and finding inner peace with kids. Tell them each yoga pose is like a unique treasure on the map, waiting to be discovered. Strategy 2: The Shape-Shifters Like superheroes change their shapes to overcome obstacles, yoga poses transform your child into different creatures or objects. The child's pose is a cozy, snug hedgehog, while the downward dog is a soaring mountain goat. Make yoga a game of shape-shifting, and let their imagination take flight. A Sturdy Tree Grows from Small Beginnings Just as an oak tree starts as a tiny acorn, a child's yoga practice begins with small steps. While there are countless benefits, there are also potential risks that must be considered when introducing children to yoga. Strategy 3: The Safety Net Safety always comes first. When nurturing your child's yoga journey, ensure that they are guided by a knowledgeable and certified yoga instructor, especially if they have any underlying health conditions. This ensures that the yoga experience is as safe as a well-constructed treehouse. Strategy 4: Branching Out Slowly Yoga is a journey, not a race. Start with basic poses and breathing exercises, allowing your child to progress at their own pace. Just as a sapling needs time to grow strong roots, your child needs time to develop strength and flexibility. Yoga, the Mind's Playground Yoga is like a vast playground for the mind, where children can explore their inner landscape. It's a place where thoughts are like butterflies, gently fluttering around, and the body is a ship sailing on the sea of emotions. Strategy 5: The Mindful Garden Teach your child about mindfulness by comparing their thoughts to the flowers in a garden. Some thoughts are like beautiful roses, while others might be pesky weeds. Yoga helps children tend to their mental garden, learning to nurture the flowers and pluck the weeds. Strategy 6: The Mindful Captain Yoga encourages children to steer the ship of their emotions with calmness. When storms rage, and the waves of frustration or fear crash, yoga equips them with the skills to be the captain of their ship, guiding it safely through turbulent waters.

In conclusion, introducing children to yoga can be a delightful journey filled with treasure hunts, shape-shifting adventures, and mindful play. While the benefits are many, ensuring safety, taking it slow, and nurturing mindfulness is crucial. So, let your child embark on this enchanting voyage and watch them bloom into resilient, mindful beings, rooted in inner peace and strength, like mighty oaks in the forest of life. Subscribe to get a free picky eating guide in your inbox, follow my socials, and do not hesitate to contact me if you believe a consultation could improve your child's nutritional health. See you next week on LivNewly blogs, where we continue our journey towards better health—one bite at a time.

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