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Writer's pictureSuhana Shriyan

Fever Fighters: Home Remedies and Motherly Advice

Dealing with a fever, especially in children, can be a daunting task. But fear not, as we unveil effective home remedies and offer motherly advice to navigate through this challenging time. Let's empower moms with practical steps to alleviate symptoms and promote recovery.

Child down with fever. Mother checking temperature.
"Behind every drop of medicine is a mother's strength and love, turning moments of difficulty into stepping stones for resilience. Embrace the challenge, for in your patience, you are sculpting the very essence of your child's health and well-being."

Home Remedies for Fever:

1. Soothing Kada:

  • Prepare a comforting kada with ingredients like ginger, tulsi (holy basil), and black pepper. This natural concoction can help reduce fever and boost the immune system.

2. Steam Inhalation:

  • Encourage steam inhalation to ease congestion and alleviate discomfort. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil for added relief.

3. Hydration Hub:

  • Ensure you and your child stay well-hydrated. Offer warm water instead of room temperature water to keep them comfortable and hydrated. You can also give jeera, ajwain or fennel tea and sweeten it with jaggery. If there is no loose motion, then you can include very little milk.

4. Nutrient-Rich Foods:

  • Introduce nutrient-dense foods, such as one-pot meals with a variety of ingredients like rice, lentils, vegetables, and protein sources like soya chunks, tofu, paneer or shredded chicken, and roasted nuts.

5. Fruits and Vegetables:

  • Include a colourful array of fruits and vegetables in your and your child's diet. Consider making fruit-infused beverages and incorporating nut powders for added nutrition. Your child should have fruits twice a day and vegetables 3 times a day to boost recovery. If not then consider supplementation.

6. Strategic Meal Prep:

  • Plan a weekly menu that includes easy-to-digest meals, providing the necessary nutrients without overwhelming your and your child's system.

7. Exercise and Relaxation:

  • Encourage gentle exercises and relaxation techniques, like breathing exercises or simple yoga, to promote overall well-being.

8. Consult with Healthcare Professionals:

  • When necessary, consult with healthcare professionals for supplements that may aid in the recovery process. Follow their advice for a balanced approach.

Motherly Advice for Comfort:

1. Comforting Environment:

  • Create a cosy and comfortable environment for the child to rest. Soft blankets, favourite toys, and soothing colours can contribute to a sense of well-being. Dust exacerbates a sick child's symptoms, triggering allergies and respiratory distress.

2. Stay Calm and Reassuring:

  • Maintain a calm demeanour and offer reassurance. A mother's comforting presence can have a positive impact on a child's recovery.

3. Monitor Hydration:

  • Keep a close eye on their fluid intake. Offer a variety of hydrating options, such as herbal teas, fruit juices, or even homemade soups.

4. Follow Doctor's Advice:

  • Adhere to any prescribed medications or treatments as advised by the doctor. Consistency is key in managing fever symptoms.

5. Engage in Distractions:

  • Distract the child with gentle activities like storytelling, favourite movies, or quiet play to take their mind off the discomfort.

6. Regular Temperature Checks:

  • Monitor their temperature regularly. Keep a record and share it with healthcare professionals if needed. Also, note down all symptoms and frequency if the symptoms appear on and off.

7. Encourage your child to rest:

  • Ensure they get plenty of sleep to support the body's natural healing process.

8. Nutrient-Rich Snacks:

  • Prepare nutrient-rich snacks, such as homemade fruit milkshakes with nuts/ seeds or yoghurt with fresh fruits, to make nourishment enjoyable. Use porridge, fruits and nuts to make a parfait.

9. Ridding the culprit

  • Dust exacerbates a sick child's symptoms, triggering allergies and respiratory distress.

  • To minimize dust in the house, vacuum regularly, use air purifiers, and keep windows closed.

  • Opt for dust-free bedding, and damp mop floors to capture particles.

  • These measures create a healthier environment, aiding the child's recovery and well-being.

Armed with these home remedies and motherly advice, you can confidently navigate through fever episodes, providing comfort and support for your child's recovery. Remember, your love and care are the best healers during these challenging times.

To summarise, combatting a fever at home involves staying hydrated, resting, and utilizing natural remedies. Hydrate with water, herbal teas, or electrolyte-rich fluids. Resting allows the body to focus on healing.

Employ cool compresses on the forehead to alleviate discomfort. Herbal teas with ingredients like ginger or chamomile can provide relief. Warm baths may also help in lowering body temperature.

Adequate sleep and maintaining a comfortable room temperature contribute to recovery. However, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for persistent or severe fevers to ensure appropriate care.

"Embrace well-being. Take care of your loved ones. Prioritize health. Stay resilient. Until next time, take care and stay well."

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