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Writer's pictureSuhana Shriyan

Are you worried about your child being a picky eater?

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

One day, they eat well and the next... well you know! But we keep getting discouraged and disappointed with them and ourselves. Sometimes we doubt if we are doing it right. Picky eating in children is a common issue we as parents face. But what happens when your toddler's eating habits don't feel normal to you?

Hey, parents! Don't beat yourself up, let us learn how to enjoy mealtimes with your child together.

A girl eating at the dinning table from a bowl using the spoon.
Are you worried about your child being a picky eater?

How to find out if your child is a picky eater?

If your child shows the following red flags, they may be a picky eater.

  1. Your child only eats a few foods.

  2. Your child's diet is smaller or has a poor appetite.

  3. Your child is reluctant to try new foods and hasn't in a long time.

  4. Your child is comfortable trying a limited range of foods (missing or close to missing entire food groups).

  5. Your child is selective in their eating. For example, they are uncomfortable with certain textures, colours or food groups.

  6. Your child may be particular about certain brands.

  7. Your child may be uncomfortable at meal times or regular mealtime battles.

  8. Your child may not like to be around non-preferred foods.

  9. Your child has started losing weight due to poor eating habits and not due to an illness or slow growth.

  10. Your child may be stressed which may cause you or other family members to get stressed during mealtimes.

  11. Eating out may be a challenge impacting your child's social life.

Just to be clear, picky eating is not a medical condition, but it can be a source of concern for parents and can lead to frustration, embarrassment and conflict at mealtimes.

There can be various reasons why children become picky eaters. Here are some of the common reasons:

  1. Developmental stage: Picky eating can be a normal part of a child's developmental stage. Children may become more selective about what they eat as they develop independence and begin to assert their preferences.

  2. Sensory issues: Some children have sensory processing difficulties, which can affect their willingness to try new foods. They may be sensitive to textures, smells, and tastes, making it difficult for them to eat certain foods.

  3. Negative experiences: Children may have had negative experiences with certain foods, such as choking or vomiting, which can make them hesitant to try those foods again.

  4. Limited exposure: Children may be picky eaters because they have limited exposure to different types of foods. If they are only exposed to a limited range of foods, they may hesitate to try new things. Picky eating to this extent can cause nutritional deficiencies

  5. Control issues: Some children use food as a way to assert their control over their environment. This can be a way for them to express their independence and autonomy.

  6. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as acid reflux, allergies, or sensory processing disorder, can affect a child's appetite or willingness to try new foods.

Supplements may be necessary for picky eaters if they are not getting all the nutrients they need from their diet. Picky eaters who have a limited diet and refuse to eat certain food groups, such as fruits and vegetables, may be at risk for nutrient deficiencies.

However, it is important to note that supplements should not be relied upon as a replacement for a balanced diet. Ideally, picky eaters should try to expand their food choices and include a variety of nutrient-rich foods in their diet.

Suppose a picky eater is not getting enough of a specific nutrient, such as vitamin D or iron. In that case, a supplement may be recommended by a Paediatric dietitian to ensure they are meeting their daily requirements. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen, as some supplements can interact with medications or have side effects.

It's important to note that picky eating is a common and usually temporary behaviour in children. However, if picky eating persists and interferes with a child's growth and development, it's best to consult with a pediatric dietitian to rule out any underlying medical or developmental issues.

Are you worried about your child being a picky eater? You tried it all but haven't got answers. Book a session or follow me on my social media channels to learn more.


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